I Was A Teenage Hand Model:
The Way To Metal

The Way To Metal: Step 1
Step 1: Open your hand. Either is fine.

The Way To Metal: Step 2
Step 2: Turn your hand upside down and let the palm face upward.

The Way To Metal: Step 3
Step 3: Bend the ring finger inward.

The Way To Metal: Step 4
Step 4: Clench your favourable middle finger in your palm as well.

Now you are rock. Yet you want metal.
And you are still one step away from it.

The Way To Metal: Step 5
Step 5: Use your thumb to grasp the ring finger and middle finger tight.

The Way To Metal: Step 6
Step 6: Invert your hand again to find the devil's horn.

Now you are metal. And you feel so metal.

Step 666: Bang you head and the horn together at bpm 666 and scream
Forever and ever until end of the world. Amen and hail.