METHOD - Survival ov the Fittest

 專輯:Survival ov the Fittest
 公司:Aeon Artworx
 樂風:Thrash Metal

雖然韓國的重金屬發展不算落後,但總讓人覺得未成氣候,其中一個原因是硬件上的配套不足:重金屬的市場太小,也欠缺足夠的錄音設備和技術,令樂團的生存空間大減。所以在06年9月最後一天,應TRHK駕香港演出的METHOD帶來相當驚喜:他們同年推出的首張專輯"Survival ov the Fittest",無論音樂與製作皆達亞洲最高水準,甚至專業得可與很多歐美樂團作品媲美,如不言明,也只會猜是日本出產,而不會是想到來自韓國。

這支已有數年歷史的韓國thrash團METHOD,名字簡單,音樂卻不。廿多年的歷史間,thrash已經過大大少少的進化和變化,新的與舊的顯得小同大異,新一代嫌以前的老土了點,編曲不夠豐富和華麗,另方面上一代卻認為現在的犧牲了原始的侵略性而過份造作。METHOD選擇的是中庸之道。錄音精致得來保留一份粗獷感,沒有現代樂團過份電子化的通病,已讓人有回到過去的感覺,不同段落間鮮明對比亦是習自那個年代最成功之輩.有SLAYER和DARK ANGEL式邪惡超高速,也有TESTAMENT的中板進逼與緊湊氣勢,其中TESTAMENT的影響可說相當明顯,很多節奏與旋律活脫是取自這名團,當最後一曲"D.N.R."就是來自TESTAMENT最重之作"The Gathering",對他們的喜愛有多深已不用多解釋,所以喜歡TESTAMENT的在聽METHOD時絕對會津津樂道。

另方面,樂團對現代金屬的有相當理解,主音所用便是death和hardcore之間的新派唱腔,好些時候令人想起一些瑞典和丹麥的新一代thrash團如THE HAUNTED和HATESPHERE,除了旋律化段落和樂器同步對位的的齊切拍子,還有盛行的歐陸金屬元素,除了solo常用到新古典double lead手法,還有交響式編曲法,利用古典音階與多聲部還有合成器和特殊結他效果,豐富了音色、層次感和變化,特別是一些特別音效和演奏很多時達到意外效果,"Lost Inner Circle"中段甚至有木結他獨奏,很多幾達前衛金屬式的轉變都帶給人驚喜,令很多副歌和過渡段落都充滿樂趣,而這正是METHOD不輸甚至勝過很多歐洲團的地方:即使技術與創作有一定水準,但以差不多的模式和聲音完成每一首歌,可能半張唱片都沒有已感沉悶,更惶論要連發新唱片 - 但諷刺地有些這樣的歐洲團正是可以多年來持續推出一式一樣的唱片。正可能因為如此,很多的現代thrash團都選擇按"Reign in Blood"的經典基準,十首不夠半小時左右便是一張,因為超過這基準線便很容易會顯冗長,雖很多這類唱片半張都沒過已有這樣的感覺,甚至全張播放完仍無任何深刻印象。反而"Survival ov the Fittest"不尋常地有十二曲達五十分鐘長,除了中後段集中於中板的曲目有一點不足,整體卻因莫測的變幻而沒多少悶場,每首歌曲各具特色,METHOD的創作水準已和一些國際級的樂團看齊,當然仍有需要改進的地方,但感覺便比現在不少歐洲的同類樂團還要好。

專輯名稱是《強者生存》,顯淺易明,正好是當今thrash metal的寫照,而METHOD絕對是屬於強者之列,假如是由Andy Sneap或Tue Madsen等名錄音師負責製作再放在歐美發售,排除種族問題,這支亞洲團沒可能不竄紅。所缺的,只是際遇。


 Album: Survival ov the Fittest
 Label: Aeon Artworx
 Year: 2006
 Genre: Thrash Metal

It is no surprise not so many metalhead have a clear or positive impression on Korean metal. Metal bands from there that can make their names overseas are very rare. With a way too small market for this kind of music and ever scacity of recording studios and experienced technicians, only the fittest can survive. METHOD is surely one of them. Being invited by TRHK to promote the album "Survival ov the Fittest" in Hong Kong, their debut and stage presence knocked everyone down without warning. No matter music, performance and production have achieved a very high level that is comparable to many other famous Asian or even European and American acts. Nobody would guess this is a Korean band but from Japan or other Asian countries.

Their name is absolutely not "metallic" enough that sounds quite "core" in fact, and with a band history of merely a few years. Yet on the musical side they got beaten by no one in the Asian region, perhaps except a few elites such as KING'S-EVIL from Japan. Thrash has undergone numerous transformations and assimilations thorough two decades. Simply put thrash now has divided into two schools, and fans of each school show discontent towards to other: hardcore followers dismiss the excess melodicism and trendy rhythms of the new-school, while the raw sound and pure aggression of the eighties they long for are obsolete to comtemporary thrash fans. METHOD wisely took the middle path. Production keeps the raw edge of the oldies yet polished enough without the over-digitalization of most modern bands. Even veterans would be reminded of their good old days again simply by the sound. It is evident the band learned a lot from the masters in history . Great dynamics and concentrating aggression by the evil SLAYER and DARK ANGEL are mixed perfectly with the mid-paced dark groove of TESTAMENT. No doubt TESTAMENT is one of their biggest influences and favourites that they simply covered "D.N.R." from their heaviest release "The Gathering"! If you were a big TESTAMENT fan too, will surely enjoy METHOD a lot.

The fusion of both the old-school and modern of METHOD is also highly appreciated. They are not just a copier of the historical acts but an innovator in this era. The voice of Alex the singer is the kind between death and hardcore, close to some Swedish and Danish thrashers like THE HAUNTED and HATESPHERE. Syncopated riffs and neo-classical harmonized leads are borrowed from their European colleagues. The band also extensively used symphonic-alike arrangement, classical scales and special synth & guitar effects to enrich soundscape and surprise listeners in many chrouses and bridges. Dare to say METHOD has already triumphed over many European counterparts both musically and creatively. Twelve songs in "Survival ov the Fittest" last for almost fifty minutes that is unusally long in the thrash world which the 30-minute benchmark of "Reign in Blood" is firmly followed. It is not difficult to find albums in this genre getting bored quick and leave no impression after several spins. Ironically, there are so many bands in the west can keep releasing such kind of albums in line every year! That's why METHOD is of course superior: the whole album, though long, gets so many twists and turn with high technicality that never let you down.

If these Korean were produced by legendary modern producers like Andy Sneap and Tue Madsen and received proper promotion in the European and American region, they would have no chance to miss the fortunate. METHOD is surely one of the fittest in the game. Should you thrash, can't miss METHOD.
The TRHK Webzine - 極端金屬中文資料庫兼討論區
